Edify Network

The edify network focuses on the development of leaders in our member churches. It fosters theological education, ministry training, and provides resources for our member churches and the leaders in our association.

What does the Edify Network do?

Theological Education

Good theology makes for good churches because it holds church leadership and membership to an agreed standard. If these standards are understood, upheld, and taught accurately by church leadership, doctrinal integrity can be maintained and heretical teachings can be easily identified.

Ministry Training

Ministry training plays a crucial role in helping churches to raise up a new generation of church leadership. As current leaders retire or step down, trained individuals are ready to step into leadership roles, ensuring continuity and stability within the church.


Ministry Resources

Churches often deal with the same types of issues that other churches have experienced. They need a place to turn to find tried and proven resources that can help them find solutions that will work in their church.

Don't Be Shy

If we didn’t answer all of your questions, feel free to drop us a line anytime.